Sunday, November 14, 2010

Math Games

IMG_1886Here are some simple addition games we use for math game time. Each morning after the students complete the story problem of the day, they look at the math game board to see which game they are assigned to play. The games are a mixture of games I’ve created, games from Mailbox Magazine, or games I’ve found online.
Here is a picture of the math game board. My mother made it for me out of felt and seam binding. Why pay all that money for ones in teacher’s catalogs. Below are simple make ten games. The students toss two counters and try to get numbers that equal ten. They weren’t showing up on my last post so I docstocd them.


Gingerbread Tens



Clifford Makes Ten

Mouse Count to Ten

Movie Night Make Ten


Pizza Maker Tens

Turkey Tens


  1. I love these math games. Forgive me but I can't figure out what you are using to toss, on one game you say pizza, another cheese, are these manips somewhere in the game or do you use something like erasers to represent them? Thanks so much for sharing! : )

  2. I just use erasers or sometimes if I find a novelty button.

  3. I love the games! I was just wondering how you stored them so the kids could use them?

  4. I love the tens games, but how do i access them from docstoc. it seems like i must have a membership??

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