Monday, January 3, 2011


I’m in the process of working on materials for next month (both free and Teachers Pay Teachers). But I need your help. To those of you who have downloaded (from my blog) or bought materials, I ‘d like to know how they are working for you. I’d like feedback on what you’ve liked, the quality of the activities, and what else you’d like to see. So please take a minute to leave a comment.


Ms. A


  1. I love your games and have made lots of them. I prefer games to be more generic rather than seasonal. Because reading series differ on times of introducing skills, the seasonal things may not always fit. Making games takes lots of time and materials. I hate to do a game that is going to last for only a few weeks. To me it is a waste of time and materials. . .both are expensive for a teacher.

    Just my humble opinion.

  2. Although I LOVE your games, I am currently not teaching math. So I would love to see more language arts or reading activities. If possible.

    Ms. M

  3. I agree - your games are awesome! And although I think generic ones would be very useful - I love the seasonal ones too! I'm starting my student teaching practicum next week and I'm in the classroom for 10 weeks, so seasonal games are going to be perfect for me! I haven't made anything yet (printer is out of ink), but I will be in the next week or so!

    Do you have any games for a Magnet unit??? (science based). I'm finding the material a bit dry (compared to penguins)!! lol.

  4. I have made everything that you offer! I LOVE them. I am excited about implementing Friday bingos during skills block!

  5. One other suggestion, rather than just using American spelling, could you offer English spelling also, ie color- colour.I live in Australia and this makes a difference when it comes to using games that have words printed on them.
    Would love some eater themed games, that include rhyming activities, ordinal numbers, size sequencing,counting and colour identification.

  6. Should read "Easter" themed games! lol

  7. I love your games! I am a reading and language arts these types of games are a must for me!



  8. I just appreciate that you provide all of us with great resources. I like that you offer choices than a worksheet. I love your math centers but would love games geared toward reading and phonics to be used for RTI. I also think any science or social studies themes would be great!

    Thank you for all you do!

  9. I love your blog, but you have a mistake calling penguins arctic animals they live in the antarctic. They never cross the equator into the North.


Kind words are appreciated here.