Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I am not ashamed to admit it. I’m a PBJ (Professional Book Junkie).

Invitations: Changing as Teachers and Learners K-12My very first professional book was Invitations (Regie Routman)…I’m probably showing my age, but every since that book I’ve been hooked.

I’m too ashamed to take pictures of my seven plus bookcases filled with professional and teacher resource books. Some people are shoeaholics (is that a word??) Well, I’m a bookaholic, and professional books are just one habit I have to support. There’s cookbooks, magazines, fiction books, self help books. You name it and I probably have it. My house could really become a branch of my cities local library. I just wanted to highlight a few.

Classroom Bibles: Literacy

I always keep various combinations of these books in my school bag. These are the books I read over and over again, the books that have highlighting, highlighting tape, sticky notes, notes in the margin, ideas scribbled on those blank pages that are in the backs of books. These are the ones I can’t live without.

On Solid Ground : Strategies for Teaching Reading K-3Comprehension from the Ground Up: Simplified, Sensible Instruction for the K-3 Reading WorkshopWhen Readers Struggle: Teaching That Works (Fountas & Pinnell Professional Books and Multimedia)Catching Readers Before They Fall: Supporting Readers Who Struggle, K-4



First Grade Readers: Units of Study to Help Children See Themselves as Meaning MakersFirst Grade Writers: Units of Study to Help Children Plan, Organize, and Structure Their Ideas

Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency: Thinking, Talking, and Writing About Reading, K-8Complete Year in Reading and Writing: Grade 1: Daily Lessons - Monthly Units - Yearlong Calendar


Teaching Reading in a Title I School, K-3Teaching Writing in a Title I School, K-3


Classroom Bibles: Math

These are books that have a wealth of information. Whenever I’m planning a math unit these are the books I go to.

Math And Literature, Grades K-1A Collection of Math Lessons, Grades 1-3 (Math Solutions Series)


50 Problem-Solving Lessons: The Best from 10 Years of Math Solutions NewslettersDeveloping Number Concepts, Book 1: Counting, Comparing, and PatternTeaching Number Sense, Grade 1Minilessons for Math Practice, Grades K-2


First-Grade Math: A Month-To-Month GuideYoung Children Reinvent Arithmetic: Implications of Piaget's Theory (Early Childhood Education Series (Teachers College Pr)) (Early Childhood Education (Teacher's College Pr))Young Children Continue to Reinvent Arithmetic: Implications of Piaget's Theory (Early Childhood Education Series, 9)

Well, I showed you mine. Now…what are the professional books you can’t live without?

Ms. A


  1. I thought I was the only one!! I ♥ reading books about the classroom, instruction, and new ideas for first grade! Thanks for sharing


  2. Marilyn Burns and Reggie Routman are two of my favorites too! I love Reggie Routman's Writing Essentials and Reading Essentials books. I too am obsessed with reading books about teaching. :) I have too many books and nowhere to put them! :) Thanks for sharing!


  3. I love the old school "Guided Reading" white bible by F/P. I also enjoy "Growing Readers" by Kathy Collins. She's great! Great idea for a post; I just posted last week about how I want to read a new book and asked for suggestions!


  4. I agree with your favorites. I also love Deb Dillers, Making the Most of Small Groups... I go back to it year-after-year. So I'm really looking forward to her upcoming math book. Recently I started reading, In Pictures and In Words by Katie Wood Ray. It's focused around teaching the qualities of writing through illustration study. Great ideas for emergent writers.

    Love the new blog design!


  5. I am a PBJ too! I am pretty sure my hubby thinks I have a problem... I just got a delivery from Amazon (love that site a little too much!) with a few books I have seen recommended lately on blogs - can't wait to read them!

  6. Hi,
    Thank you for posting your blog. I discovered it by accident when I was going through The Inspired Apple's comments to see who may have responded to my comment. You mentioned you used Math and Literature by Marilyn Burns & Stephanie Sheffeild. I cut and pasted your address and discovered a treasure trove of ideas and similar thinking. I was surprised to see how many teachers dislike teaching math. What a shame :-(. It made me sad to think that primary teachers struggle with teaching math. Perhaps it's because they use worksheets and pages out of a text book. Anyways, that's for my own blog post.
    As I was browsing through your site I came across your professional reading post. I have a similar problem. I love books; professional, children's literature and adult literature. I can't get enough of books. I think I should own my own bookstore when I retire that way my books can go to good use. I've even confessed to my students that their teacher has a problem and it's buying too many books. My newest favourite author is Oliver Jeffers. WONDERFUL!!!
    My new favourite professional resource is from a fellow Canadian. His name is Werner W. Liedtke. The book is called, Making Mathematics Meaningful - Fostering Numeracy. It's fabulous. I'm having a hard time putting it down but I must because I'm working on report cards. If you can find it in the USA I would recommend reading it. It has helped put a lot of my thinking into perspective from other professional resources I've read.

    While I am sharing resources another researcher I know, who is American, is Grayson Wheatley. He has a book called Coming to Know Number and a book that helps to build visual and spatial reasoning, it's called, Quickdraw. My students love Quickdraw. If you would like more information please email me.
    Well I should be going and either finish my report card comments or go to bed.
    Thank you again for your blog. I'm really liking the new design. I look forward to reading more and learning from you.


  7. You're feeding the sickness! Please stop before my amazon account crashes!

    Actually, I thought I was a member of only a small group of teachers who actually looked forward to summer because of the additional time to read professional literature.

    It's good to know there are so many others!


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