Monday, February 28, 2011

Word Study

I LOVE Beth Newingham! I also love her monthly posts for Scholastic. I’ve been thinking of revamping the way I do Word Study next year and I happened to run across her  November Post for Word Study in Action. It is amazing!!!! She also posted the video below. Take a look. She teaches third grade but her routines could be tweaked for any grade. Word Work Re-Vamp here I come!


Ms. A


  1. I am very interested in this. We struggle with spelling/word work each year. It is hard to make it meaningful. Thanks for taking the time to share this! I am going to explore it further since I have all these materials!
    Mrs. Saylor’s Log

  2. Thanks for posting this! I haven't checked her stuff in awhile but she is always SO inspiring! I used a lot of her ideas when I taught 3rd and 4th.

  3. I've read the article as well and I want to change my spelling next year as well. I'd love to see what others come up with for first grade.

  4. I love Beth Newingham! I used alot of her ideas that one year I taught third. Love her word study ideas--good refresher.
    full of fun in grade one


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