Friday, April 8, 2011

Dot and Jabber Lit Pack Correction


Hi to all!

Here is the Lit Pack I’ll use next week with my class. Word Work on Tomorrow.

Click on the picture above to download. Hopefully it will work this time. If not click here to troubleshoot. If that doesn’t work leave your e-mail and I’ll send it to you. Cross your fingers!

I had to make quick change…make sure you’ve downloaded the right one! It’s Friday…what can I say.


  1. This was fantastic! Thank you for sharing it!

  2. Lovin the Lit packs! Thank you for sharing. Any Write the Room Sentence packs for this one?? Also, do you have a Promethean? I have no luck with Promethean planet... =( any suggestions?

    Love your stuff!

  3. Working on the Read the Room Kit...should have it done by tomorrow. I do have a Promethean...I haven't downloaded much from the site...I've been working on a few things to possibly upload soon.


Kind words are appreciated here.