Monday, April 4, 2011

Promethean Board Fun

In my last post I told you about my brand new Promethean Board! This weekend I did nothing but flip charts and wanted to share a few with you.

This is a missing addends activity. I watched a tutorial on how to make “Magic Revealers”. Too excited! I’m working on submitting some things to Promethean Planet…but in the meantime you can click here to download a copy of the recording sheet that accompanies this activity!







Weekly Graph

Every Monday there is a graph question the students answer and we complete different activities to go along with our graph. After we completed the graph we filled in individual graphs. Click here for a copy of our graph this week.



Word Work

Tomorrow in my guided reading groups the students will complete this word sorting activity. All they have to do is drag each chick under the right heading  I think we’ll just write the words on out small white boards.


More Word Work

Here is a contractions match we will complete in small groups on Wednesday. It’s a nice fun review for contractions. I plan to complete a recording sheet for this one…hopefully by tomorrow.





I hope to share more things. When I get some things submitted to Promethean Planet I’ll post and let you know! Have a great week!


  1. How exciting! We have SMARTBoards (it's a love/hate relationship). As creative as you are, I'm sure you are gonna come up with some adorable ideas!

    Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

  2. Weeping galore here...we have Smartboards (and personally, am not feeling very smart having them)....all the good stuff is on Promethian software!

  3. I love my Promethean and you are amazing, already making flip charts!!! you are the bomb!

  4. I can't wait until you upload these flip charts on Promethean Planet!

  5. Wow! Do you eat or sleep? I love the flipcharts and am excited to get a chance to use them! I have been teaching for 27 years and this is my first year with the promethean board. My students love it and really stay engaged when we do lessons on it. Thanks again! SDNana

  6. I have a Pro Board as well. How do you make thes flipcharts?! I am jealous!

  7. I've been using a lot of digital clip art in my flip charts...makes it so much more fun!

  8. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your prom/ board activities! PLEASE let me know when these are posted on the "planet"...if not could you post them here as a power point...or email at

  9. I have a promethean board in my room and love new ideas for my first graders.


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