Friday, May 6, 2011

Appreciation Day 4

This game is played like regular Go Fish, students deal cards then try to find matches for their contractions.

Click on the picture to download.




This week we finished the last story in Reading Street. I’ll post the final Lit Pack on Monday…I forgot to transfer it to my jump drive from my computer at school.

Some people may be wondering, “What the heck is she going to do until the end of school?” Well, I’m glad you asked.

For the past three years during the last three-four weeks of school I love doing units of study from this book. Complete Year in Reading and Writing: Grade 1: Daily Lessons - Monthly Units - Yearlong CalendarI usually do the reading units on Character Studies and Non-Fiction. There’s one for each grade, K-5th.  I use the K, 1st and 2nd grade books interchangeably depending on the type of class I have for the year. I LOVE them! You should check them. Click on each cover to find out more.


Complete Year in Reading and Writing: Kindergarten: Daily Lessons - Monthly Units - Yearlong Calendar


Complete Year in Reading and Writing: Grade 2: Daily Lessons - Monthly Units - Yearlong Calendar


  1. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for all the WONDERFUL items you've shared this week! These are the BEST teacher appreciation gifts! :o) LOVE your stuff!


  2. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work. My children love learning with your activities.

  3. Thank you so much for all of the resources!

  4. Thank you for the game I am going to use this as a review.

  5. Thank you for the goodies!!! I have some things on my new blog that I will share with you too :)

  6. I played the game with my students and they loved it! I am going to make a couple of sets to send with some of my students for the summer.
    Thank you again

  7. Just found these. How cute! Thank you for sharing

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this -- and all the other wonderful printables you make available. I love how hands-on your activities are. They are so easy to slip into our homeschooling day. Your activities are so appealing to my kids--always bright and cheerful. Thank you again (and again)! ~Liesl

  9. Thank you so much for sharing. Your blog is awesome and I love checking to see your wonderful ideas. You are inspiring!


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