Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ben Franklin and His Kite

Okay wonderful blogging friends… as promised…here’s the final Lit Pack for Reading Street. Click on the picture to download.

This summer I’m planning to complete Lit Packs for units 1-2.


Here is the link to the work work for this Lit Pack.



BTW: My car is fixed, my ADHD student had a wonderful day and I was able to reset my Windows 7 password.

Still no luck on DIBELS though Smile


  1. I was so hoping that you were going to go back and make lit packs from the beginning of the year. You are awesome!!

  2. We are finishing our Reading Street book this week. Next week is our last week of school. Thank you so much for all of your work on materials for Reading Street. You have been a life saver. I am looking forward to the other packs. Be sure to get a little R & R this summer too. :) Liz in South Dakota

  3. Thanks for all you've done creating these lit packs! We love them! Cheryl in Missouri

  4. Thanks ladies! I enjoyed every minute of it!

  5. Thanks so much for this unit and all of the rest. I love them! I so-o-o appreciate all of the work you do and sharing spirit.

  6. Currently I am teaching 3rd grade in Boston but am moving to 1st next year. I found out in Feb. and immediately started googling websites and blogs and found yours. I am so excited for next year because of you! You can't even imagine how relieved I feel because of all your hard work. This is my 11th year teaching (most in 3rd) and was petrified about 1st. I have been printing out your materials since Feb and can't thank you enough. There will be many happy 1st grade kids in Dorchester next year thanks to your creativity! If you ever move to 3rd let me know!

  7. Jill Wow!
    Thank you so much! You are so kind...I know you will ROCK as a first grade teacher. If you need anything let me know! You'll LOVE first grade!


  8. Hello!! I love your blog sooo much!!
    I have used all these packs for teaching Reading Street!!
    We loved them so much and I just wanted to let you know that my first grade friends and I are so looking forward to the packs for the beginning of the year!!!
    Thank you!!!

  9. Hey Lauren!
    Thanks so much. I usually start Reading Street the week of Labor Day. I kinda do my own thing during August (school starts Aug. 10th) It is my plan to have Reading Street activities(for unit 1) posted by the middle of August.

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