Sunday, May 22, 2011

Warm Fuzzy Feelings

I got an e-mail from a lovely teacher. She sent me a few pictures of her students completed Antsy Antonym activity (say that five times fast!). She was nice enough to let me post the pictures.

Ms. Ayers YOU ROCK

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It feels great to share something that’s useful, timely, creative and user friendly for teachers.


Math Stations This Week


Playing Busy Bee Addition from Made for First Grade.


Odd and Even Ladybugs on the Promethean Board


Playing Space Roll, also from Made for First Grade

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Sample of two students completed work from Collecting Addition Facts.


This and That

Our local university provides Labs for Kids. College students come and present lessons on subjects like bones of the body, the digestive system, among many other topics. The students really enjoy it and they learn a lot.

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A Math Station for This Week

Here is quick review math station for next week. The students have match the digital, analog and written time. It’s only time to the hour…hope you can use it.

Click on the picture to download.


Five more days till Schools Out for Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I recently discovered your blog and I am so glad I did. We are currently homeschooling our daughter and she will be in 1st grade next year. I love all the fun ideas you have been posting about. I hope to incorporate some of them next year. :)

  2. Thank you so much for sharing, Ms. A!!! I love this activity, and I love the activities you just posted on TpT!

  3. I am doing Camp Bugaboo the two weeks after Memorial Day and I CANNOT wait to use your antonyms! THANKS FOR SHARING!

  4. I absolutely love everything you make and I can't thank you enough! I have some "impairments" when it comes to technology so I wait with baited breath to see what you will share next!! We also do Scott Foresman, so I will be anxiously waiting to see what you will post for the beginning of the 2012 year. Sorry this is so long, but I just really wanted you to know that my students and I think you are WONDERFUL!!

  5. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work. I hope bloggers continue to blog and share during the summer.

  6. Thanks ladies! You are so welcome Angelia,Kelly and No Reimer Reason.

    Beth, I plan on continuing to post ideas during the summer! Keep checking back.

    Paige, thanks for your support!

    Mfang, you're going to make me cry...thanks so much!
    Ms. A

  7. Thanks for sharing the Ladybug activity. We just read the Grouch Ladybug last week and are in the process of making ladybug clocks. Can't wait to use this activity.

  8. Yolanda ~ Thanks for posting the pictures of the Antsy Antonyms my students did last week. These children learned MORE by going through the "process" of this authentic activity than they EVER would have from a "research-based" Worksheet. These students will remember what Antonyms are FOREVER and it is because of this wonderful activity you have shared with your colleagues!! Yolanda - it is YOU that ROCKS!! You inspire and motivate ME . . . Love you Yolanda!!!
    Laurie Ayers

  9. Yolanda,
    Is it possible to do the Diller book study without having my own blog? I am very interested in reading this book and I always learn more when I have others to discuss it with. Let me know what you think. Liz in South Dakota

  10. Hey Liz
    I think it's totally possible...I'm thinking you'd just post your ideas and questions on the blog. We are each taking a chapter so you could just post on the hosting blog's site for whichever chapter is being done.


Kind words are appreciated here.