Sunday, October 9, 2011

Short e Anchor Chart

Here are the anchor charts and sounds cards for short e. I also included a chart for initial blends.

Short e Anchor Chart


Nouns at School

This week we talked about nouns. I found it easier to introduce the concept first by talking about nouns at school. After we talked and listed nouns, I created charts to hang around the room.




Click here for the headers, pictures and nouns to create your own chart.


Happy Sunday!


  1. Awesome once again! Thank you so much for sharing these!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your anchor charts. You are a lifesaver! Dealing with a shoulder injury and writing and chart work have been impossible. You are helping to keep the learning going in my classroom.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing your work. I love the anchor charts and ALL the supplemental resources you provide for Reading Street!

  4. Yolanda,
    Thank you for sharing these. I was wondering if I missed the short o flipchart on TPT. Let me know if you have posted it there so I can purchase it. Have a good week! Liz

  5. These are just wonderful. Thank you so much!


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