Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Unplugged and Some Freebies

This week we dipped our little pinky toes in all things Christmas. On Monday we started the week with a new graph: Is Your Christmas Tree Up? I always do this graph the Monday we return from Thanksgiving Break.
We have also started our Laura Numeroff mini lit unit. We read the book If You Take a Mouse to the Movies and completed a second graph. Ignore the pumpkins…I like to keep the wall outside my room fluid…it’s never completely bare.
We completed an observation sheet about the results of our graph.
Click here if you’d like the header and popcorn pieces for this graph.

We also completed  math and literacy activities.
Our phonics skill last week was long o. This was one of their “Have To” Work on Words activities they had to complete for the week. They chose a popcorn container and wrote three words belonging to that chunk on the popcorn pieces. I have the file to this on my computer at school. If anyone’s interested leave a comment and I’ll try to get it uploaded on Monday.
Here is the second “Have To” activity. I didn’t get a chance to take pictures…but if you’d like a copy click on the picture.
Here is a whole group math activity we completed this week.
I gave students popcorn containers with different numbers. I differentiated for students by giving those who could handle addition and subtraction using higher numbers. The students then wrote any combination of addition and subtraction sentences on their popcorn pieces.
Math Stations
Here’s a peek at our math stations this week.DSCN0071     This student is completing If You Give a Christmas Mouse Ten Cookies.
These students are completing Santa’s Helper Start With Get To.

More Math Stations
Gingerbread Gingerbread                                                                                    Christmas Cookie Bingo
                                              Jolly Skip Counting

Candy Cane Add Three Numbers
Have a great week! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To all those wonderful  teachers who purchased my Fa La La La La Literacy Kit and my Christmas Math Activities. If you download please consider following me or leaving a comment.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing. You reminded me I need to pull out this book! Love all your are awesome! Thanks again!

  2. I'd love the popcorn word families activities. You do awesome, fun stuff.
    2B Honey Bunch

  3. We are reading this book next week! Thanks so much for the great activities!! Love!

  4. Hello!
    Thank you for the awesome activities. I was wanting the original for the popcorn word families and the math ones, please!!! Thank you!

  5. Hi,
    Thank you for the fun activities. I have this book and am looking forward to using your ideas with it. I would really like to have your popcorn word families and the math addition and subtraction activities. We are working on these skills in math right now. Thank you!

  6. Adorable unit! My paper bag gingerbread village unit would go along perfectly with this. Check it out

  7. I love all your stuff...especially the If You Take a Mouse to the Movies activities. I would love to have a copy of the work on words activity and a copy of the observation sheet for the popcorn graph. Thanks for sharing!! :)

  8. Love your ideas! I would love a copy of the popcorn word families and math ideas. If the math ideas are in your TPT unit, I'll purchase them there. Thanks again for sharing!

  9. Thank you for sharing! I love using your stuff. I would love to see the popcorn family activity.

  10. Oops! I forgot I would also like a copy of your popcorn graph if you are sharing it.

  11. Thanks for sharing! I love these fun ways to connect to a great book. I'd also like a copy of the word work and math popcorn containers. Sooooo cute!

  12. I would love to have a copy of your popcorn family activity. I love how creative you are. Thank you so much for sharing all the wonderful ideas.

  13. I'd love the popcorn word families activities. I love all the activities you have shared with us especially your supplemental activities to go along with SF. Thanks so much!

  14. I love everything you do. Thank you so much for sharing all os your fabulous ideas! I would love to get a copy of your long o popcorn activity.

  15. Love your blog! Super cute ideas. I would love a copy of the popcorn word families stuff! Thanks!


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