Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What Have We Been Up To????

Number sense is the name of the game. We have been working really hard to build our number sense. My goal is to get them to know numbers inside and out. Backwards and forwards and up and down. I can see our hard work beginning to pay off.
Here’s a quick ladybug activity we did for the number eight.
Ladybug Pic

Skittles in my mouth. I whipped this up to use with the number nine. We completed these during math stations. They were so excited to rotate to my table to complete this.
Skittles in my mouth
 Skittles pic2
Click on any of the pictures above to grab your copy.
Writing Workshop
A few weeks out of the month I have guided writing in small groups during writing time. This helps me to  really focus in on particular students, observe their strengths and weaknesses in term of composing text and everybody gets a chance to write with me, which they love. I usually pull a small group to my table each day. Here are a few examples of what we’ve produced during guided writing.
Fall writing     My Monster
Word Work
Last week we worked on short u. We generated short u words together during whole group time, then the students chose four short u words to write on their nuts. They had to write sentences using the words they chose.
Short u word work

Short u word work2
The students chose Halloween related stickers then wrote a story problem for the number eight.
Story Problems
Literature Extension Activity
We read I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves. The the students chose their own fall related item the old lady swallowed. The mouth part flips up. If anyone would like a copy let me know and I’ll add it to this post.
Old Lady     image
Hope you have found something you can use, or an idea to spark your creativity! Tomorrow is “Oh my goodness I’ll be so glad when this day is over” day. Are you ready?? Here’s praying that we all make it through unscathed. Have a great rest of the week!


  1. I love everything you do. You always post things that are perfect for what I need. Thank you so much! And I would love your Old Lady activity.

  2. Great ideas! I'll be borrowing some of those number sense ideas. I also love your Old Lady activity. I just bought the book.
    Teaching Fabulous Firsties!

  3. Thank you for the Freebie! Love seeing your number sense ideas!!

  4. Hi!
    My name is Joana, I am 24 years old and I am from Portugal (next to Spain).
    I am a primary school teacher in a private college and this is my third year of teaching. Since last year I discovered many blogs like yours through “Pinterest”.
    I implemented some of your ideas and I am fascinated by your creativity, cooperation in classroom, independence and autonomy that you give to the children.
    I’d tried to do many things similar to yours but they were not always well accepted by my director and coordinator, because innovation makes a difference, and in making a difference insecurity is more than often created!
    I wonder if there’s any possibility to do an internship in your school, to learn and see, in practice, what I visualize in your blogs.
    I’d love to get an international experience for about one or two years in your country.
    My partner, Tiago, is also a teacher. He teaches English to Kindergarten and primary school children. He wanted to go to China but for me, it’s too far, and then there is the difference in the culture and language which would cause other types of adaption, which I feel would impede my spontaneity. He would love to learn new approaches and different strategies in his field.
    My e-mail is: joana_mbarbosa@hotmail.com, and I trust that you will be able to assist me in improving my educational skills. If it is necessary to give my contact to another person, please feel free to do so.
    With my best regards,
    Joana Fernandes

  5. Your old lady face would be so fun to do with my class. Fantastic ideas! I'd love a copy please.

  6. The old lady face is fabulous! I'd love to have a copy, please. csbumblebees@gmail.com

  7. I love all the activities, and you have encouraged me to research and begin some guided writing, my students NEED that. Such a great idea. I would also like the Old Lady mrskimwright01@gmail.com
    -Thanks for sharing
    First Grade Journal

  8. Super! I would really appreciate the old lady.


  9. I really got some new ideas from your blog site...There's a lot of activities I can share to my students...Hope to see more from your blog...

  10. Ms. A,
    I was just stopping by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

  11. Thanks Shawna! I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

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  14. Hi! I have just discovered your blog from Pinterest and I am amazed by your work! You have so many great ideas! I would love a copy of the lady too if it is still possible! Thank you!
    My mail is maroula_oikonomou@yahoo.gr

  15. I would love a copy of the "nuts for short u words" activity.


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