Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mrs. Claus Ain’t Got Nothing On Me and a Photo Dump

This song by Little Jackie is my absolute favorite Christmas song. Take a listen and see for yourself.

Love Imani Coppola. She’s been around for a while. The Legend of a Cowgirl…one of my favorite songs. Okay enough about my music tastes.
Last week we blasted full steam ahead with Christmas and Gingerbread Men. Here’s a little of what we’ve been up to.
This was a number sense activity at my math station this week. The students were given 10 gingerbread men and they decided on two colors of icing. The tray is made out of foil and I taped two handles on either side.
STA_3618[1]       STB_3619[1]
The week before that we completed a Ten Scoops number sense activity. I have found that spending time on number sense and knowing all the parts of 5-10 has really helped my students.
Usually when I introduce missing parts I’m tearing my hair out. This year it went smooth like butta because they have internalized those parts of the numbers 5-10.  This year I am committed to allowing my students to really delve into and understand number and it’s truly paying off.
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On Monday we completed our weekly graph. Every year after we return from Thanksgiving I always ask “Is Your Christmas Tree Up Yet?” After we answered the graph and completed our individual graphs the students were given a Christmas tree. They had to find a combination of ten ornaments. We used regular sticky dots. I think they turned out great!
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This week we also worked on The Glyph Girls Christmas stocking. On Friday they completed a quick writing activity to go with their stocking. First they wrote about what they wanted in their Christmas stocking, then they had to write about what they would put into a loved one’s stocking.

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I had to take a picture of the one below. This student glued the nose a little to far down. When they moved the nose up it looked like the mouse had bright red lipstick. Too cute!
I’ll be back next week with more Christmas happenings! I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed week ahead!


  1. Love the cookie sheets with gingerbread men!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. I love all of your activities! Do you have the worksheets available? If so, I'd be interested in getting my hands on them! thank you!

  3. I'd def be interested in a copy of the ten scoops and the gingerbread number sense activity PLEASE! :)

  4. I LOVE the gingerbread and trees! Great ideas again from the master :)

  5. As always, I LOVE your ideas:) Yes, if you have copies of your gingy men and trees, I would love it too:) Thanks and Merry Christmas:)

  6. Once again! you have given me tons of ideas. I have been doing almost everything you been doing with making 10, and its going great! thanks for helping me to be more thoughtful about math, and helping my firsties in Chicago

  7. oh and if you have any templates can you please send them. I also want you to know I made the smartboard making ten activities, and your right the kids are so focused and can't wait to get their turns.

  8. LOVE your number sense ideas! My little firsts are struggling with parts of ten, so when we started making 10 to add today, they looked at me like I was CRAZY! Will definitely be trying some of your ideas!!

    Mr. First Grade

  9. I would really love to have 1 of these!

  10. Very nice article, I found it very useful .Even I have this wonderful website,


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