Monday, March 24, 2014


“Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof. Clap along along if you feel like happiness is the truth…”
Happy Monday!!! I’m EXTRA happy because I’m on Spring Break! But like probably every other teacher out there I’m already batting around ideas about next school year…come on I know I’m not the only one.
I must confess that this school year my blogging has been…well....blah.

 I’ve been waiting and waiting for inspiration to kick in and  it’s still MIA. So I figured maybe next year a change was in order, which lead me to the decision to give my classroom a total makeover, maybe that will kick the inspiration up a notch. So I’ve been doing a bit of pre-planning.

Disclosure: If you are one of those people who doesn’t like preparing your space before the kids arrive, if you think it's not good pedagogy, blasphemous, sacrilegious, or if you have some aversion to the dreaded "cute" word, then please stop reading. I'm totally okay with that.

But if you’re like me and want just a touch of inspiration then please read on. Let me just say I prepare the space and my student's work is like the icing on the cake. I have to live in my classroom for nine months, five days a week for 7-10 hours daily so I’m just saying.

Step 1: Scour the blogisphere for ideas that speak to you, tickle your  fancy, get the creative ball rolling and all that jazz. I must say that First Grade Blue Skies is my current favorite for tons of ideas for my classroom space. I’ve also just discovered The Pink Pineapple, love her Instagram pictures and I love how her student’s work is everywhere! If you’d like to check these ladies out then click on their buttons below.
Photobucket                    My Logo

Step 2: Decide on a color scheme. I’m going with a sort of light teal, lavender, a touch of hot pink and black as an accent. I created the slides I’m about to show you in PowerPoint. I found some backgrounds in my clipart collection and started from there. I’m thinking Chevron and/or polkadots?????


Step 3: Copy and paste ideas against the backdrop of your color scheme and type notes as needed. If I copy and paste an idea I’m more likely to remember it, and I may not do it exactly like the picture, but it’s the idea of it that I’m interested in. I also copy and paste things I’d like to order from places like Really Good Stuff or Lakeshore. Also, having my color scheme in mind helps when I go into Target, Walmart and The Dollar Tree.

Step 4: Keep adding ideas until I’m satisfied! I know lots of people probably do this same thing, but I just wanted to share my little ole process. Now fingers crossed that it turns like like the picture I have in my head of my classroom space for next year!
The pictures from this post came from: First Grade Blue Skies and Ladybug Teacher Files. If you see a picture from a blog I didn’t mention, please let me know so I can credit the proper person. Thanks a bunch! Now I’m off to read, relax and enjoy this beautiful day!


  1. Smart idea! I just keep it all in my head...well actually I try, and then I can't remember stuff! LOL I love that first day chalkboard idea and reading in laundry baskets! SO cute. I know it's going to turn out awesome!

    Ms. Wilson’s Wolves

  2. Hello! Stopping by to let you know that I have nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger award. I love the idea of having read to self in the laundry baskets. I might have to try that!

    Head on over to my blog to find out the details!


  3. What a great way to stay organized! I want to change my theme this year and now I know how to stay focused! Thanks!!
    Really Roper


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