Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sight Word Concentration and Other Stir Crazy Things

Making Word Walls Work: A Complete, Systematic Guide With Routines, Grade-Perfect Word Lists, and Reproducible Word Cards to Help All Children Master High-Frequency Words


Okay so all the snow days this week  gave me a chance to do something I’ve been trying to do since school started.

I love the book Making Word Walls Work. Judy Lynch was a Reading Recovery teacher (have to support my peeps) and I use this book everyday for my word wall routines. One of the activities she has is Word Wall Concentration. You pick 6-8 word wall words (that would be 12-16 words total) and place them in a matrix in your pocket chart. Then you cover the words with number cards in order 1-12 or 1-16(depending on how many words you use).

*This should be done before students enter your room, you don’t want them to see where you put the words. Then students call two numbers and you uncover the words. If it’s match then the class can cheer, if not you keep calling on students to give two numbers they want uncovered. My kids love this game, they ask to play this all the time. Sometimes they'll choose it on Fridays Work on Words and play with a partner. It’s a good review, it's fun and it helps my strugglers. I hope the directions are clear, if not e-mail me.

Anyway, I said all that to say I usually just write the words and the number cards on index cards or squares of construction paper. But a while back I decided I wanted them to be more appealing to my students…so my plan was to make sets for all the Fry words and all the words in our reading (Reading Street) series. So last night I started creating. They have ocean animals because that’s my classroom décor this year. But I felt like they were generic enough to be used anytime. Hope you can use them. Let me know what you think.


                        Set 1


                         Set 2



                          Set 3



                     Set 4



  1. I really like your work. Thank you!

  2. These look great, is there a site that shows how to make all these cut things? I would love to make some things for my class and to share with everyone, but where does everyone find all the great clip art?

  3. This is a great idea and such cute graphics!
    Nicely done!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you for sharing. Is there a way we could get a blank one in a doc format so we could add our own reading series words?

  5. Thank you once again Mrs. A! I can always use more ways to activate my word wall. I think it can be easy to slip into the habit of just displaying the word wall, but we know that is not enough. The students need engaging activities and opportunities to overlearn these words.

    I can already hear my kinder kiddos squeals of delight... can't wait to try it!

  6. Love, love, love these!! I used to do 4-blocks when I first started teaching...about 8 years ago, but we have gotten away from it. I feel like the kids really need their sight words reinforced every day! I was also thinking that I want to get a new book to read...this one looks great! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Great job! They look fantastic! Can't wait to use them!

  8. What a fun idea. I think my kids could play this in a center too! I have to check out that book!!

  9. Thanks for all your TERRIFIC ideas and resources!!!

  10. Love these. I made something similar years ago and it's not nearly this cute. What I love even more is that these are our very sight words we use! I think in the same order as well. So appreciative!

  11. Thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful work. I think you have extraordinary talent! Keep up the good work! I know your students love having you as their teacher. I wish my child were in your class.

  12. Marie from CaliforniaFebruary 6, 2011 at 2:04 PM

    Wow! You are awesome. Just discovered your site. Thanks for all your hard work and sharing with others. Much appreciating the downloads.

  13. Thanks for all your TERRIFIC ideas and resources!!! I am a lurker who is coming out! Do you do these in power point?

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