Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Valentine Math and Word Work Game Kit



I have just uploaded my Valentine Math and Word work Game Kit to Teachers Pay Teachers. This kit comes with four math and four word work stations. That’s enough to take you through the entire month of February. Click on the link to check it out. I’ve also uploaded a preview. Remember to leave feedback.














  1. You are so creative...so...so... CUTE!

  2. Thank you so much! I'm glad when teachers find things they like and can use! You have made my day!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's funny to think it's getting close to start planning for Valentine's day! We have only been to school for 2 days in January because of winter break and then snow days! School is cancelled again tomorrow for us! Thanks for posting great ideas!
    With all this extra time from the snow days, I started my own first grade teaching blog!
    Check out my unit on Arctic animals.



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