Friday, February 18, 2011

The Dot


A few teachers have e-mailed me to see if I made a packet for The Dot, a Reading Street story. I’ve posted the packet here and hope to post one for Mr. Bones this weekend.




The Dot Pack


  1. Oh My Gosh! I LOVE this book! Thank you!

  2. This is WONDERFUL! Thank you for sharing!

  3. We just finished "The Dot" today - I would LOVE to see what you have for Mr. Bones!! You are fabulous - thanks so much for sharing!!

  4. Our story next week is The Dot so thank you so much for making this!

  5. yay!! I am doing this story next week! Perfect timing! I appreciate you sharing this SOOO much!

  6. you are a week of ahead of me which I love becuase I get to see al of your Great ideas! We will read the dot this week and I plan on implementing your whole unit this week. Thanks for all you do!

  7. You are my new hero. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with so many others.

    Our Reading Street story for digraph ea is Cinderella. I am wondering if the series has changed a few stories. We just got the new adoption this year.

    We don't have Mr. Bones either. :/


Kind words are appreciated here.