Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This And That


Making Words and Word Work:

I made this Work on Words Activity for this week in small groups. The students roll an onset and chunk dice and have to decide if it’s a real word or nonsense word.


I purchased my set from Really Good Stuff…Love that company, and I especially love the EZ-Pay system they offer teachers.

    Make A Word Soft Touch Short Vowel Phonogram Word Game

Here is the recording sheet I gave them.  My teacher trainer in Reading Recovery always said be careful with the “it” chunk and the “uck” chunk when doing the Make and Break part of the I caution you. Just saying.

Real Vs Alien Words -


Last week our phonics skill was long a: ai, ay. This week we are reviewing long a: ai and ai. Here is a Work on Words activity I created. Our story was not about the farm…thought it was cute clip art and went with it.

Long a-ai-ay sort -


This week our phonics skill is long e: ea. Here is the Work on Words review activity they will complete next week.


Long e- ea-ee sort -


Weekly Story

Last week our Reading Street story was Mama’s Birthday Present. I created this activity pack to go with the story. We did some whole group  and the rest small group.


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We are continuing our money unit in math. I gave each of the students a sheet of coins and a piggybank. They pulled a card and had to make that amount of money two different ways.

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Yay for Hump Day!

Ms. A


  1. These are awesome! Thank you for sharing!

  2. These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing:)


  3. I jsut love when teachers share their hard work! Thanks so much. We also have Reading Street and we are one story behind you. Thanks again and have a good end of the week. :)

  4. I LOVE your Mama's Birthday Present stuff!!!! Do you make a packet for each book of the week? Thanks for sharing!!!


  5. I just started making packets with unit three. I'll post the one I made for The Dot this weekend.

  6. First I have to say that I LOVE all of your great ideas and helpful links! I also teach first grade and use the Reading Street Series. This will only be my second year teaching. SO I basically stuck to the layout of the Reading Street Units last year.. my question is how do you go about your lesson planning as far as how much to use from each story, do you work on a unit/story for the full week or longer? Any other advice you may have you be appreciated! I would love to feel as though I can incorporate more while teaching all the skills the Reading Street Series has.
    Mallory Boyles

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  9. how do I get your packet about mama's birthday present


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