Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mastering the Basic Math Facts and a Planning Sheet

I‘ve just finished reading the most informational, idea packed, easy to implement professional book!

It’s called Mastering the Basic Math Facts…and here’s the best part! It will totally go along with Math Work Stations. It’s all about helping our students really understand and internalize basic facts. The ideas and games help move students towards automaticity when learning addition and subtraction facts.

The book comes with a CD-ROM packed with games and teacher resources. There are about 57 games in the book and I’m in the process of making storage sheets for all of them. When I’m done I’ll post them…in the meantime you should definitely check it out.


Math Work Station Planning Sheet

I created this little planning sheet to help me as I think about the types of math work stations I’m creating for the new school year.  Notice how the icons for each station correspond to the station labels from my Blog Party Post (imagine me saying that in a Queen Elizabeth voice). So Martha Stewart of me. Smile

Click on the picture to grab your copy.



  1. That planning sheet is AWESOME! Thanks so much. I can definitely see myself using it.

    And thanks also for the book recommendation!

    Magnificent Multiagers!

  2. Thanks! I've never heard of that book, I'm going to have to look into it.
    F is For First Grade

  3. I just checked out the book at Heinneman and ordered one for myself. Looks like a good summer read! THANKS!

    First Grade a la Carte

  4. Oh... I am excited about this book! I was wondering about the intervention portion. We (my RTI team) are looking for easy to implement Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions. Do you think this is a good option?

    Thanks for sharing!

    Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

  5. I didn't see any real RTI in this particular book...but each chapter has a supporting all learners section...with a few ideas to help strugglers.

  6. Thanks for the book suggestion. It's nice getting a recommendation from a "friend" for a helpful book. It's on my Amazon wish list!

    Lights! Camera! Action!

  7. I have this sitting along eith my math stations book. I am looking forward to reading it next after our book study.

    BTW- one of the teachers at my school loves your stuff. She is amazed by your generosity and creativity.

  8. Thanks Mrs. Parker! And please give your co-worker a big thanks from me :) I love love sharing! Because there have been so many teachers who've helped me along the way and I want to do everything I can to pay it forward!

  9. Thanks so much for sharing all your goodies! My summer is going to be so busy following up on all of your ideas! Developing number sense is one of the hardest things for me to teach because we use Everyday Math and they assume that kids come into first grade with that already. It moves way too fast and kids just sink further and further into the deep hole of "I don't get it!".
    Thanks for ALL that you do!

  10. Are you able to use the CD that came with the book? I have a MAC and I am having so much trouble trying to download any of the teacher materials.


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