Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Update: Alive, Blessed and Grateful

Update: Hey everybody! Just a quick update. My power was restored on Wednesday evening (yeah)...but no phone or internet service (boo)...yet. We are beginning the clean up, trying to get trees cut and hauled away. Thanks so much to all of you who left such sweet messages! You made my week! It's been hard getting back into the groove, but everyday gets a little better.

Thanks Hedi at Swamp Frogs for passing along the favorite follower award to me! She has a fantastic blog with lots of wonderful things to share. I hope to get back to posting soon. Everyone have a blessed and peaceful weekend!

Hi to all my blogging friends. As you know another round of tornadoes hit the state of Alabama early Monday morning. My neighborhood was one of the hardest hit. But God is good. I live on 1.5 acres, I have seven trees down in my yard...but none hit my home. All of my neighbors are safe and we are just praising God. I'm without power so I'm doing a quick post from school. So I am blessed,  and grateful.  It was a scary night, but I'm alive, and my family is safe.

Hopefully I'll be back soon with pictures and lots of good things to share.
Ms. A


  1. I am so happy to hear that you are okay. I will be praying for you guys!

  2. I was just thinking about you and hoping you were ok!! I am relieved to hear you are alright. Sorry about not having power (that is no fun) ...hope good old AL Power gets it turned on soon!! =)
    First Grade Blue Skies

  3. Wow! So scary! I am So So glad you and your family are okay. I hope you get power back soon and that your neighbors are safe as well. God Bless.

  4. omgosh! someone was definitely looking over you! glad y'all are ok!

  5. Thankful for God's provision and protection for you!!

  6. Glad to hear that you are okay! My prayers to you and yours.

  7. Omiword. How scary! I am glad that your family and home are fine. Thinking of you!!!

  8. So glad to hear you are safe! Sending you good thoughts and prayers.
    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

  9. I'm so happy you and your family are doing fine! You're in my thoughts and prayers!


  10. I can't imagine how terrifying a tornado must be. I'm so glad to hear that you're okay.
     Chrissy

    First Grade Found Me

  11. Glad you're okay! God is good! :D

  12. I had no idea there were more tornadoes until I read this...I haven't seen the news all day. Bless your heart! SO happy to hear you're okay!! God is GOOD!!!!

    Cara :)
    The First Grade Parade

  13. God is good!!! He holds our worlds in His hands and He protected you.
    I am so glad you and your family are ok. It is so scary.
    We had one tornado here in Colorado right after I moved here from New Jersey and I was freaked--even though it was a F1. My students were a wreck, too, for about a year.
    I hope everyone in your community was spared:)
    God bless,

  14. I am very thanful that you and your family are ok. After our experience with tornados in April in North AL, just word tornado brings a little fear to us. BUT, I am very thankful to know someone that can protect us through the storms!

  15. I am so glad you are okay. I will keep you and your neighbors in my prayers.


  16. Scary! Ohmyword!!! I'm so glad to hear you & your family are safe. God is good I definitely agree :)

    Color Me Kinder

  17. So thankful to hear you are alright and praying for all of those who have suffered loss one way or another...tornadoes are so scary...and even more so once you have been through one...certainly makes you appreciate the little things and work hard not to sweat the small stuff!Praying for you all!

  18. Glad to hear you and your family are okay. That had to be so scary. Take care.

  19. So glad that you and your family are safe :) Sending lots of hugs, smiles, and prayers your way :)

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  20. Just wanted you to know I am thinking about you. Love, Diedra from sunny California


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