Monday, January 30, 2012

More Updates

Hi to all my wonderful blogging friends! Still no phone or internet but I'm doing a quick post before I leave school. I know this is not school related, but I just had to share how wonderful God is. First let me set the stage with a few pictures of the way my yard looked after the tornado.

On Saturday morning my mother and I decided we'd get out and do as much as we could. We'd recruted family members who were available...but we knew we  wouldn't make a dent in removing debri from seven downed trees, which included hauling it to the curb so the city could pick it up.

But before we made it out or our back door, 15 volunteers from The Christian Service Mission met us in the yard. They are the kindest most generous group of people I've ever met, and my friends, this is what my yard looked like around 4:45 Saturday afternoon.

                              My nephew helping with the clean up :)

It was such a blessed filled day. God is good.  If you made it all the way to end thanks for hanging in there. I hope to post some classroom happinings later this week. Have a wonderful evening and a Terrific Tuesday!


  1. Girl, I had no idea it was that bad in your yard...I missed that somehow!! I am so happy you guys are ok and that you were blessed with the help you needed to get it all cleaned up- that makes it so much easier when you have help. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help=)

  2. What a blessing they were for you! Love the "rainbow" in the corner of one of your pics. Prayers for you!

    Peace, Love and First Grade

  3. So glad that you are okay!!! My family has been praying for you and the others in Alabama that were harmed by the storm. Lots of prayers still coming your way :)

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  4. omgosh girl! I'm so glad that was just y our yard and not your house!!

    ♥ Jen
    The Teachers' Cauldron

  5. Wow!! What a blessing. We got lots of rain in Arkansas where I am. I remember January of 1999. There were tornadoes everywhere. It was bad. I'm glad that you weren't hurt.

  6. Wow! It's hard to believe that wind can be that powerful. So glad you are all okay. It's great that there are such wonderful people in this world to help us when we need it. Sending prayers your way.

  7. Oh my gosh, how did I miss this?! I can't believe the damage! I am so glad you are ok!

  8. So glad to see you are okay!


  9. God IS good!
    I'm glad help was sent your way!

  10. What a testimony to God's faithfulness! This reminds me that we can't live this life alone! We need each other! So happy to see your clean yard!


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