Sunday, January 20, 2013

Easi-Speak Winner and The Week in Review


And the winner of the Easi-Speak Digital Microphone is Veggieteach! Congratulations!!

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Week In Review

Let me start with the end first…well sorta the end. This is what my yard looked like on Thursday Afternoon.



Alabama had it’s first winter event of 2013. Our school didn’t let out until 2:00…right in the middle the heaviest snowfall. And yes ladies and gentleman I was driving home right in the thick of it….slip sliding and white knuckling it all the way home while singing that familiar refrain..”Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,,,,Jesus, Jesus, Jesus” There are three things I hate about driving: Driving at Night, Driving in Heavy Rain and Driving in the SNOW!

It was over fairly quick, but on my side of town we seemed to get the worst of it.


Earlier in the week we played First Grade Yahtzee Minus One . I think it was the big dice that excited them the most. They partnered up and rolled two dice. They had to add the dots then take one away from the sum. The winner was the first person to cover their board. They loved it! If you’re wondering why my sweet student has on the Cat in the Hat hat, she cashed in a coupon to wear a hat in class. Still loving Mel D’s coupon system!

This was also a great assessment opportunity. I could see who didn’t have count each individual dot, who really understood what minus meant and who didn’t have to use the number strip to count backwards. After my observations I jotted some quick notes to remind myself who I needed to work more with during math station time next week.

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We also worked on our class science project. Every year we have a big school wide Science fair and K-2 submits class projects. We decided to find out what is the best way to clean stains from clothes. We soaked six cotton t-shirt scraps in grape juice. We let them dry overnight then tested four products: water, dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent, bleach and a stain remover stick. Here we are applying and observing. We found that the bleach worked instantly.

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Flip and Flop: This week we read the story of Flip and Flop. It’s a cute little story about penguin brothers who find new friends to play with…but not without a little drama first. We then completed a group retelling of the plot. Then the students had to write their own retelling in their own words. They did an amazing job!

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Mitten Descriptive Writing: We completed our mitten descriptive writing.

You can read about that in this post.

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Click here to get the mitten patterns.

Lastly, a sweet customer asked me if I’d create some Penguin Cover Up games for adding ten and doubles plus 1. So I made this. The set includes four games. Two for Adding ten (with one die and two dice) and two for doubles plus 1 (with one die and two dice). Click on the picture to check it out.


Okay just one more thing. I ordered these books and I’m waiting patiently on them to arrive. They look pretty good. I’ll let you know about them.

Math Exchanges: Guiding Young Mathematicians in Small Group MeetingsMath Sense: The Look, Sound, and Feel of Effective Instruction

Have a Happy Sunday!!!!


  1. I'm a teensy weensy bit jealous of your snow... but then I think about how cold you must be - and get ove it. :D haha

    My kiddos LOVE Flip and Flop. Such a cute story. Your activities look great!
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

  2. I am super jealous of the snow. We NEVER get snow in Austin, TX. :( I know it can be a pain, but I still want some. I use the coupon system too, and it is fabulous. I love the Yahtzee game. I am definitely going to try it out in my classroom. Thanks for the idea!

    First Grade Wolves

  3. It's a good thing you don't live in Utah. We get to drive in snow all the time and I still hate it. I LOVE the Yahtzee game. I'm going to try it with my class. I've never heard of the book Flip and Flop. Going to head over to Amazon and add it to my list. Thanks for sharing!

  4. You just have the best ideas!! Love all of them!
    Kerri B
    Teacher Bits and Bobs

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