Monday, September 23, 2013

Little Red Riding Hood Was Rotten

Happy Monday! Last week and this week we are talking about story structure. With an emphasis on character analysis. We’ve read Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks.

Today we did a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood and tomorrow we will read one of the books from this series!



I love these books! They are in the same vein as The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. I scooped them up from Amazon. I figured what a perfect opportunity to introduce a little opinion writing. In Little Red was Rotten the Wolf tells the reader that he’s a vegetarian, and if it were apple season he wouldn’t have eaten Little Red….yeah right!

Tomorrow we’ll complete this during whole group time.

Click on the picture for your freebie!


I also got a few emails about sharing our apple graph, so I have that for you too!


Have a terrific Tuesday!


  1. Love fun versions of Fairy tales. Thanks for sharing. My Amazon cart runneth over. :)

  2. These books are so cute! Is there any way you could send me the template for the opinion writing so I could create them for the other books?


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