Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Bunk Bed Problem

It’s Tuesday! Three days closer to Friday! Ha!

Today during our math morning meeting Promethean Board style,  I posed this problem to my first graders.



I called a few students up to show different ways that all of the children could fit onto the bunk bed, some on the top and some on the bottom. After we did this  I let them pair up and I gave them different numbers to find combinations for. My more advanced students were given a larger number. They recorded as many combinations as they could in their Math Journals.


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I got this idea directly from this website. I love it, there are so many math activities to download! I created my own bunk bed mat. Click the picture below if you’d like a copy.



Have a Wonderful Wednesday!


  1. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing.

  2. How fun! I was all ready to do another activity to teach ways to make 10, but this one is so much more interactive. I love it!

  3. Love it! We are working on number combinations this week so it works perfectly. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Love the bunk bed styles. I am going to gift one to my kids this year!


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