Sunday, November 10, 2013

I’m Hoppin’!!!!

Happy Sunday!

The teacher blogging world is an awesome place! It is filled with so many talented teachers. To say that I was surprised when I was invited to become an author on Blog Hoppin’ would be quite an understatement. I mean these ladies are my blogging idols!!!! I even went so far as to post a picture of myself on the newbie post…and anyone who knows me knows I. HATE. TAKING. PICTURES. This is a rare occasion indeed!

Myself, along with seven other wonderful bloggers are the newest crop of Blog Hoppin’ authors. Click on the picture to check us out.

Be sure to check back with Blog Hoppin’ to participate in the wonderful week long Linky Party. Click here to read about it.

Have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. Excited to blog hop!

    If you want to head on over to my blog I'm having my 500 Follower giveaway with lots of TpT prizes and an Amazon gift card!
    You Might Be a First Grader….

  2. Congratulations Yolanda! I love your blog & that is so exciting that you're a Blog Hopper now!! You shouldn't hate taking pictures - you are beautiful inside & out!!
    Science for Kids Blog

  3. Thanks Deedee!! I am so honored to be among such wonderful teachers!

  4. Congratulations Yolanda! You have so much to offer :)
    First Grade Dual


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