Monday, November 11, 2013

Time Saver Tips

Okay I’m linking up with Blog Hoppin’ to share a few time saving tips. Mine are not that spectacular.

The first one is this baby from Lakeshore.

All-Purpose Teacher’s Organizer

I plan for the next week on each Thursday. I end up staying at school late and making all of my activity sheets, charts, copies, story problems, etc. I place them all in my bins and I’m all set. I love it because I’m not taking my entire planning time looking for something I need. I even place my read alouds in the bins.

Then on Friday after school I take out any of the extra copies, directions, patterns, whatever I used that week and place it in a file folder. I label the folder with the week’s date then put the folder in my file cabinet. This helps so much for the next year because I can see everything I used and I don’t have to hunt for copies or try and remember what we did during that week! I’ve been doing this for the last three years and it saves me so much time!


The second one is my word wall.

I couldn’t find a close up picture but if you follow me on Instagram then you’ve seen it.


Every year I’m always taking the cards down and inevitability the paper gets torn, or it fades. So this summer I got my wonderful mother to make quilted squares. I staple-gunned them up and now all I have to do is put my words up using a push pins and BAM!!!! no drama, no more changing the paper each year!


Lastly is my Assessment binder. This little baby goes with me everywhere. During the beginning of the year I stock it with running record forms, progress monitoring sheets, ABC charts, sight word charts, anything I need for assessments during the year. Mid year I check my supplies again and re-stock anything I’m running short on. So all I have to do is grab and go!


I hope I’ve provided you with some useful tips! Don’t forget to link up with Blog Hoppin’ and don’t forget to enter the fabulous contest!


  1. I WANT one of those organizers from Lakeshore! I've waited because I don't know where I would put it, but I love how bright it is!

  2. Great tips! Thank you sharing them.

  3. Pretty sure you are my new best friend. This is my first year teaching first and time is precious commodity! I've been searching for an effective way to plan and store for the week... this is spot on! I also might be a little bit in love with your assessment binder. Thank you!

  4. May I ask which blank running record and progress monitoring forms you use? I'm not in love with the ones I am using now. Thank you!

  5. Hey Cori! The progress monitoring forms are old ones from DIBELS and the running record form are ones I used to use when I was a Reading Recovery teacher.

  6. Practical ideas ! I was enlightened by the facts . Does someone know where my assistant could possibly get access to a blank NC Learn Running Record Sheet example to complete ?

  7. Hi Victor Paul David! I came accross a template NC Learn Running Record Sheet version here


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