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Showing posts with label addition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label addition. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Oops! Corrected Mastering the Basic Math Facts Chapter Four: Adding Ten

 So sorry! I've corrected the problem with my Doubles game boards. Just download them again. Good catch Anonymous!

As promised here are the next set of storage labels for this book.

These game storage labels are for Chapter Four. Click on the picture to download.

I have also completed my Doubles game boards. These are more varied...just a variety. Click on the picture to download. Enjoy! 

I'm still working on game boards using two dice and some subtraction ones. I did get started on my post for Chapter 6 of MWS. Look for that this weekend. Whew...busy busy!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Collecting Addition Facts

This has been a day.

I’ve been DIBELS testing ALL DAY (can you say yawn).

My little ADHD darling decided they couldn’t function with me being out of the classroom then proceeded to have a meltdown.

I had to set a new password last week on my school computer for Windows 7 then promptly forgot it today. :9 Which means I can’t get into my Promethean board software.

Left school and still forgot to transfer my final Lit Pack to my jump drive so that I could post it for my wonderful blogging friends.

Finally…I picked my nephew up from daycare after school..went to crank the car….nothing….zero….zilch…nada!

I’m not complaining…because it could be much much worse. My car will crank again. I’ll either remember my password or call my system’ s administrator and get a new one…and DIBELS will be over soon.


Here’s  is a fun and easy to implement Math Station I just uploaded to TpT. This week I’m DIBELS Testing…but when I return to the classroom I anticipate this being a big hit during math stations.


And I promise to have the Lit Pack for Ben Franklin posted tomorrow. Have a great evening!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Valentine’s Day


Math and Literacy Pack

It’s not to late to purchase some of my Valentine’s Day themed items from TpT. Here is some of what’s included in my Valentines Day Math and Literacy Game Pack.

Love Chunk Cover Up

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Cover My Heart Math Game                 Bouquet of Words and Sentences

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Hearts In Order ABC Order Activity


Sweeties R-Controlled Sort


You get four literacy and four math activities. I also have Hearts A Plenty Read the Room Kit and Cupid Cupid Fact Families.


Thank You

As an appreciation to all my followers, teachers who are kind enough to link my blog on their lists, the teachers who e-mail kind words or even leave kind comments and  to those of you who have purchased my TpT products, I’m throwing a sale at my TpT Storefront. All of my products are %15 off starting today through Tuesday. Just my way of saying thanks.



Hoo Loves Ya

Here’s a quick addition to ten review game for Valentine’s Day. I tried this out on my first graders and they loved it!

Hoo Loves Ya Addition Game


Fun Friday

We jump started the holiday Friday with this Fun Friday math activity. The students estimated how many Conversation Hearts were in their boxes. Then they sorted, graphed and counted the candy hearts.

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Other Ideas

I went to The Dollar Tree yesterday to find gift bags for my games and found two items I plan to use this week.


Valentines Picks

These will make great Read the Room pointers. I bought one for each student. They will go great with my Hearts A Plenty Read the Room Kit.


Foam Hearts

I plan on giving my students a hand full of these and a recording sheet. They can write addition or subtraction story problems using their hearts.



Have a Great Week!

Ms. A

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Here is a quick and easy game I’m planning for math stations this week. This game isn’t new, I’ve seen it everywhere. This is just my version.

I want to keep addition and subtraction facts in front of my kids all the time. This is the addition version. I got a little punch drunk towards the end…so if you see errors…I’ll apologize up front. Enjoy!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Valentine Math and Word Work Game Kit



I have just uploaded my Valentine Math and Word work Game Kit to Teachers Pay Teachers. This kit comes with four math and four word work stations. That’s enough to take you through the entire month of February. Click on the link to check it out. I’ve also uploaded a preview. Remember to leave feedback.













Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas! Christmas! Christmas!




Where Did Rudolph Go?
Here is a class book we created. I read the story Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer to my students. Then we brainstormed all the places Rudolph could go in Santa’s sleigh the day after Christmas. The students came up with some pretty good places, including New York, Tokyo and Detroit. The skyline of New York is priceless.

Christmas Tree Fact Families
The students pulled an index card with numbers for a fact family. They placed the numbers on the stars and wrote the addition and subtraction problems on the ornaments. The First Grade Parade had this as a math station. After we completed the station in small groups we completed the trees whole group.

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Christmas Candy Facts


Mrs. Carroll from The First Grade Parade posted an idea for this cute math activity. Instead of doubles the students chose a number and wrote two addition and one subtraction sentence, or two subtraction and one addition sentence for their chosen number. I think they turned out great! Thanks Mrs. Carroll!

Candy Cane Grab
The First Grade Parade is one of my favorite first grade blogs. If you haven’t checked it out, you should hurry. She posted a candy grab idea for Halloween. I bought a bunch of mini candy canes from The Dollar Tree and decided to create this Christmas Candy Cane Grab. The kids enjoyed it.

                                                         Christmas Candy Cane Grab

Candy Cane Patterns
The students choose a pattern of their candy. This was the biggest hit of math stations. There were a few of my students who wanted to do this each day during stations.
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Here is the download to go with the Candy Cane pattern activity.                                  
I made a big candy cane pattern

The Gingerbread Man


We also completed a pie graph form Mrs. Jump's Gingerbread Man Unit. I gave each of the students a gingerbread cookie and we graphed which part of the cookie they bit first.

The Gingerbread Man Song
I made this book to go along with The Gingerbread Man Phonemic Awareness song found in Kim Jordano’s Winter Phonemic Awareness Songs. The student’s used mini Elkonin boxes to write the name of the animal The Gingerbread Man ran away from.

The gingerbread man ran through the town book

Christmas Packages
I love, love, love Kim Jordano’s books. I used the poem “Holiday Packages” to create this kit. It’s filled with ideas  you can use with the poem. We didn’t get a chance to use it this year, but maybe you can save it for your files.

                                                        Holiday Packages Poem Activity Kit

                              Winter Phonemic Awareness Songs & Rhymes: Fun Lyrics Sung to Familiar Tunes

Word Work
Here are two of the Word Work choices the students had this week during Daily Five. In Santa Sentence the students toss a counter onto the game board. They have to write a silly sentence using one of the long e words.
Santa Word Toss

ELF Bingo2 -
I hope everyone can find something to use from this post, and I hope you have just as much fun using them with your students as I did with mine. I also had so much fun making them. Don’t forget I love, love, love comments. So why not leave a few. To all my fellow teachers I hope you all have the Merriest of Christmases and a blessed and happy New Year. Besides enjoying spending time with my fantastic family, I’ll be planning games and activities for Winter. Smile
Have a wonderful weekend!

Winter Already

I am now officially a seller on Teachers Pay Teachers. I have uploaded a few ideas for penguins and winter. There is a sample free download.  I will be working on more during the break (yes, I have no life). Hope you find something you like.
Here is the link to my store. I hope you take a look around.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Math Time

Seeing how other teachers structured their math time inspired me to post this blog about math in my classroom. When the students first walk into the classroom they have to answer the question of the day. I got the kit from Lakeshore. The students place their pictures up, then we discuss the results during calendar.


After they answer the question of the day the students then complete the story problem of the day. I use address labels. I like them because they are easy. I can usually get three days on each sheet of labels.



After the students get started with the problem of the day, the survey person (a weekly job) goes around and asks the survey question of the day. I like this because it gives the students time each week to think mathematically about the results of our daily survey. I got the idea from Kim Adsit. Her e-book had questions monthly but I needed daily questions, and decided to make up some of my own. Thanks for the inspiration Ms. Adsit!

Each Monday the students answer the graph question of the week. We do lots of activities with the weekly graph. All the work we do with the graphs are placed in the students Weekly Graph Journal. On Monday they answer the graph question. On Tuesday they reproduce the results of the graph in their Graph Journals. On Wednesday they write a few sentences about what they observe about the results. Then they have to write two addition sentences (later we will add subtraction sentences). On Thursday they have to write a story problem using the graph. Ex. Ten people like red apples. Two people like green apples. How many in all?

Weekly Graph Journal




After the students complete the problem of the day, they look on the math game board to find out which game they will play. Sometimes it’s free choice, sometimes it’s flashcards. This provides good practice for addition and subtraction facts. At the beginning of the year I asked all students to bring in a set of addition or subtraction flash cards. They do triple duty as both partner practice, whole class math games (boys against the girls) and math games.



This is a picture of our Math Buzz book. I like doing math in the morning, because the students are alert and ready to work. We work with the buzz book during our morning meeting. I usually read some type of math trade book that goes along with whatever we are working on during our math unit.



This morning we wrote subtraction story problems. After writing them the students had to illustrate a picture to go along with their story.









Sometimes we complete math projects. This past Friday the students completed a count by tens chart.







Have a great week!

Ms. Arnold